Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

"My discussion with a freakin' 'bule' - Part Second."

copas catatan Azhari Kahfi,

Still remember the note I tagged to you about my discussion with someone called Pat T. Larkin?
Here's the sequel after I discussed with him for about 4 or 5 messages. Try to be more patient, because in his sequel, he became more brutal in describing Islam and he clearly humiliated Islam and our beloved Muhammad more over.

First, he asked me this question: "have you clued in yet on isSHAM?". I said no, he can't convinced me because he didn't include any reason and any evidence. I asked him to give his 'real' reasons without always talking about his sh*t common sence, and I asked to prove it. Then, I sent him Imam's Response after I asked him something about what is happening in America.

My message

Azhari Kahfi 20 April jam 10:46
pat, my friend send you a message through me, read it.

Islam is never teach its believer violence

“……… if anyone slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. …………” (Al-Maidah, verses: 32)

From that god words above, it’s clear that Islam is never teach its believer to kill anyone. All terrorist that said that they kill others non-Muslims for sake of Islam is nonsense. They are not Muslim. Islam is the grace for entire universe. And if you do more research about Islam, you’ll see that we are who believe in Islam not as the “Blind Faith” like you said will never regretted.

And if you want to know, our holy Koran told us about something that we must do if we (a Muslim) kill someone. This is:

“Never should a Believer kill a Believer; but (if it so happens) by mistake, (compensation is due); if one (so) kills a Believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the deceased's family, unless they remit it freely. If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you, and he was a Believer, the freeing of a believing slave (is enough). If he belonged to a people with whom ye have a treaty of mutual alliance, compensation should be paid to his family, and a believing slave be freed. For those who find this beyond their means, (is prescribed) a fast for two months running: by way of repentance to Allah; for Allah hath all Knowledge and all Wisdom.” (An-Nisaa, verses: 92)

About Prophet Muhammad S. A. W.

It’s true that Muhammad couldn’t read nor write, but this is the point. Someone that an illiterate like him could influence many people in the Middle East that (in that era) well-known with its bad behavior. Are you sure if anyone whom not illiterate in that era could “repair” the Middle East bad-behavior at that time? Is it illiteracy is a sign that someone is less of intelligence and can’t do anything? The world had been proven it in front of you Mr. Larkin that illiteracy is not something that can block someone for creating many things. And you didn’t figure it. You are a silly one, Mr. Larkin.

And if you read the hadith that Muhammad said, you'll see that he is more wise than anyone who not illiterate in that era. He is illiterate, but he could explain everything about universe, because the God through Koran always guide him. If you read Koran, you'll find several things about physics, economy, also history, etc. Try to read Koran Mr. Larkin, if you hate somehow with Islam, you need to find the truth before you expose something bad about it. I heard that there are many people who didn't know Islam in the world that misunderstanding about Islam's theory. And if you want to ask something about it, I'll try to looking for the answer from an expert to you Mr. Larkin.

And about Jews, Islam didn’t hate anyone. If you considered that Islam hate Jews because Palestine, you were wrong. Palestine is trying to defend its right for their land. Please read Koran Surah Al-Israa. There’s some history point in that surah. You have got the degree in history, right? Don’t you feel lucky, because you can read one of the famous literatures that created 7 centuries ago and still exist until the 21st century?

God through Koran is explaining about Jews, this is some point

“And We gave (clear) warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)! When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare. They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled. Then did We grant you the Return as against them: We gave you increase in resources and sons, and made you the more numerous in man-power.” (Surah Al-Israa, verses: 4-6)

Please continue to read this surah, you’ll find anything about Jews. Is this change your opinion about Islam?

About Gods

Gods is created by man. Well, this is the one that not everyone could realize it. The language has a bad influence. It’s true that the “god” is created by “man”, in the context of language aspect. The man just created the term of “god”, but the “real god” is not created by “man”. The truth is, “god” created “man”. You are the one who influenced by the “paradox of language” Mr. Larkin.

If you still didn’t believe about god, then could you answer my question: Who is the one who created human? If the human can create “god”, why does human can’t create another human?

The moron people will say: Are you stupid? We were created by human. Look at our parents. Well, so how could the first human in the world created, whereas that first human (known as “Adam”) didn’t have father and mother?

Let me tell you, how Islam gave an opinion about this strange case of human. God did make a complete example of human creation variation. In fact there is 4 kind of combination of Human Creation. 1) Adam, he didn’t have father and mother; 2) Eva, she was created from the Adam’s left rib. She didn’t have mother, but she has Adam as a father; 3) Jesus, he didn’t have father, but he has mother; 4) we are, we have father and mother. Couldn’t you see Mr. Larkin? The god has give us an example, like what He say in Koran

“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding. Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): ‘Our Lord! Not for naught hast thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the Penalty of the Fire.’” (Al-i-‘Imran, verses: 190-191)

Or, are you a Darwinist whose agree with concept that all of the living things are created by a coincidence, and human is only a part of evolution from a kind of primate? Where’s the human pride if Darwin’s theory is true?

Human is a bright creatures Mr. Larkin, but all human can do is just using what God have create in the world. Without it, human will turning into something that can’t do anything. I hope someday, you’ll find an enlightening mind. And please tell me if you got it.

And there’re so many question that we didn’t know, but we’ll find the answer if we put the word “God” in the answer. Refresh your mind Mr. Larkin. If you don’t believe God, please notice that you’ll find Him when the time has come.

From a student in Indonesia who believe in God, and believe with Islam.

Then, His replying

Pat T. Larkin 21 April jam 5:34
OK....then who created God? Think about it...who created God. Muhammad was a false prophet, anyone with an IQ over 100 can figure that one out. When he started to have his "seisures" at 38, he was known as the tonw idiot. He left Mecca because the only one who belived him was his wife (alos became the 1st Mulim & Mohammd was the 2nd). He went to the villages outside of Mecca where the other idiots lived. These idiots had been worshipping the cresent moom as their "god" for hundreds of years. Mohammad was able to convince them or con them into thinking he was a prophet...who's only "miracle" was pulling off such a con on a bunch of stupid people living in the desert. 8 to 10 yrs later, after he had many followers, they were able to go back to Mecca and take it by force. He then became known as Mohammd the mad man for his ruthless disregard for human life. He was a slave trader, had 7 wives (one of which was 6yrs young), had many sex concubines and onwed & traded slaves. He was no more a God than Mickey Mouse! Muhammad was a complete fraud and anyone who belives in him is pretty flippin' dumb! (end of his first message)

Here, he also inserted his proofs to strengthen his opinion about Islam. (sorry for Pat's bad English, he is an American, but idiot in typing English words.)

1. How Islam is Taking Over The World: Islamization Explained, www.youtube.com, A video all we non Muslims need to see, before it's to late.

2. Muslim Entrapment by Islam, by Amil Imani, an Iranian-born American citizen.

His second message

Before I reply, he sent me his second message.

Pat T. Larkin 22 April jam 8:44
Az- please don't waste your life on a "myth"....Mohammad was no more a prophet than you or me. Use common sence, the people he were able to convince were illiterates & uneducated people who lived in the small villages outside of Mecca. Each village had different "gods" they worshipped but most worhipped the Cresent Moom as their "god." The educated people of Mecca knew Muhammd was a complete wach job...a con man...a complete fraud. He was only able to take over Mecca when his army was strong enough to overtake it. Muhammad was one very mentally sick individual. Why waste your life on a con man from the 7th century? How does anyone of intelligence actually believe what some dumb ass said so long ago? If Allah is real, where the hell has he been for the past 1,300+ years? Why has he not shown himself? Common sense will tell you its all a bunch of bull shit. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.answering-islam.org%2FAuthors%2FWood%2Fdeuteronomy_deductions.htm&h=9247d

Two Simple Proofs that Muhammad Was a False Prophet

"But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak . . . that prophet shall die." ~GOD (Deuteronomy18:20)[1]


That's all. I haven't reply his message yet. So guys, HELP ME!!! I need another help now.

Please watch the video and read the articles through the website's adresses he tagged over me.



(O iya, kemarin saya juga diberitahu oleh seseorang tentang blog lain yang juga menghina Islam, tapi yang ini Indonesia punya. Check it out, http://beritamuslim.wordpress.com/.

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